Saturday, October 19, 2013

Hair loss in women

Hair Loss In Women

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

In the past few decades, hair loss in women has become a growing problem. More and more women are complaining of thinning hair. There are a number of reasons for this hair loss. Most often it is because of a hormonal imbalance, other times, hair loss is an after effect of surgery or pregnancy.

women hair loss

Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

In the past few decades, hair loss in women has become a growing problem. More and more women are complaining of thinning hair. There are a number of reasons for this hair loss. Most often it is because of a hormonal imbalance, other times, hair loss is an after effect of surgery or pregnancy.

Taking specific medications such as the birth control pill, blood thinners, or anti fungal medication can also cause hair loss in women. Women who have had chemotherapy treatment have also experienced hair loss. And these are just a few of the many causes out there.

Diseases and hair loss In Women

There are also certain diseases that can cause hair loss in men and women. One of the warning signs of diabetes is hair loss for example. Specific tests need to be done to rule this or any other disease out as a cause of hair loss before you take any further action.

When Is Hair Loss In Women Normal?

At any given point


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Hair cloning research for hair transplant procedures

Hair Cloning Research for Hair Transplant Procedures

The future of hair transplant procedures is in the laboratories at this very time. Scientists are working together to find a way to make the surgery work for more people. They also want to see it work better for the types of people who have hair transplants today. One area of research is hair cloning.

Hair cloning promises to be a revolutionary procedure that would give people with little hair a chance to have hair transplant surgeries. It would do this by multiplying the hair a patient already has rather than using up the good hair that still exists on the patient's head.

Hair cloning is done by taking stem cells, or dermal papilla cell, and cloning them in a laboratory setting. They are then multiplied and combined. The end result is an increase in the number of hairs available for hair transplant.

Not only is hair cloning possible, it has been proven in many scientific studies. Recently one group of researchers did a culture whereby they multiplied the number of dermal papilla cells. With this being possible, hair cloning is a single step away.

Hair transplant procedures that use cloned hair are farther off, though. The research cannot be done as to whether these hairs can safely and effectively be transplanted onto a person's scalp yet. First, they cloning process will have to be completely perfected. Only then can the hair transplant trials begin.

More research needs to be done to find out which hair cells can be used for hair cloning and then hair transplant procedures. Some of the available cells go through several stages before ending in cell death in a very short time. These cells would not be adequate for use with hair transplant surgery. There seem to be other cells which last longer and would work for this application.

A scientist named Dr. Gho has done some work and acquired a Dutch patent on his work with hair multiplication. It is unclear whether this is much like hair cloning or not. That is because Dr. Gho neglects to submit his findings to be published in medical journals. Without review by other doctors, Gho's theories cannot be tried and evaluated.

Certain types of auto-immune diseases, such as alopecia areata can now be treated by means of hair transplant techniques by using the donor strip method. Yet, in the future, hair cloning will make hair transplant easier for these people who often have very little hair to use for grafts.

Some people believe that hair transplant grafts using cloned hair would be about the same cost as the usual hair transplants that are available today. Other experts believe that the price will be much higher - perhaps three or four times per graft higher - because of the specialized methods required to do the work.

Hair cloning is probably not as far away as one might think. It might be ready for use with hair transplant procedures as soon as five years from now, or even sooner. If you are considering getting a hair transplant but you want to wait awhile, hair cloning is something to think about.


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Hagerty ensures classics stay on the road

Hagerty Ensures Classics Stay on the Road

This article tells the reader about Hagerty insurance company and what it does for the average consumer.

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Hagerty is a multifaceted network of specialty services for classic car collectors. Hagerty is an insurance company that insures classic automobiles that are generally difficult to insure. Hagerty Plus is an exclusive private club that offers an array of additional services of specific interest to collectors of classic cars. There is a members-only Web site that serves as a forum to exchange and gather information from collectors and industry experts. There also is a quarterly publication that is an excellent source for news and events.

The concierge service is probably the greatest privilege of a Hagerty Plus membership. Members are welcomed to submit questions or request info on any collector car or related topic such as tips on restoration, buying and selling, car care, and driving. If an appropriate response is not readily available, the query will be thoroughly researched and resolved. Every monthly the Web site is updated with articles and information from renowned experts, journalists, and fellow hobbyists.

Hagerty also is an advocacy group that stays abreast of government issues affecting classic cars. Members are contacted immediately if their state is proposing law changes or legislation that could affect them. Surveys and questionnaires are frequently conducted among members and various types of professional-service providers to monitor and report worthwhile news to members. Hagerty also supports the Collectors Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that endows scholarships or grants to individuals and organizations involved in the preservation and restoration of classic cars.

The organization also offers insurance to classic boats. Most cruisers and trawlers, mono-hull sailboats, runabouts, utilities, skiffs, and launches can be insured. Check out Hagerty's Private Client Services. It caters to owners with vehicles valued at $250,000 or more or collections that exceed $500,000.


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Hair loss best solution

Hair Loss Best Solution

When addressing a problem, any problem, 50% of the solution is accurate diagnostic of what exactly is the problem. Such accurate diagnostic of your boldness status will supply you with the tools to fight back, stop hair loss, and regain your thick hair.

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When addressing a problem, any problem, 50% of the solution is accurate diagnostic of what exactly is the problem. Such accurate diagnostic of your boldness status will supply you with the tools to fight back, stop hair loss, and regain your thick hair.

Every hair follicle has life cycle of between two and six years, which ends with the hair falling and a new one replacing it. 90% of the hair is at the growing stage, ANAGEN, at this stage the hair grows about 0.3 mm everyday and it last three years. The next stage is resting, KATAGEN, at this stage the hair does not grow and stay static for three weeks. The last stage takes place when the hair falls, TELOGEN, it can take up to three months to the hair to fall. Normally, at this stage new hair is growing.

The average person loses between 50 to 100 hairs daily. The hair grows about one CM a month. Blond people have more hairs, about 140,000, in compare to darker hair people who have 90,000. Old people tend to lose more hairs then growing them back.

Hair loss is usually diagnostic when large areas of the scalp are left with only thin hair. Usually people notice hair loss when they comb, or at the shower. The hair loss results from the pressure on the hairs during these activities, and not necessarily indicates that you have hair loss problem. One way to test if we are losing our hair is to pull your hair if you end up with more than 4-5 hairs in your hand you might have a problem. Another test is counting the hairs on your pillow in the morning. More than 8 hairs are indication to serious hair loss.

Women and men lose hair differently. Among men hair loss is usually related to hormones and genetics. It is a hereditary phenomenon which could jump over generations. While women, suffer from a larger variety of reasons. Hereditary is the main reason, as with men, and more reasons like: cold weather, high fever diseases, infective diseases, lack of protein, depression, high cholesterol, and more.

Hairs on the pillow are usually a result of hereditary, typical men oriented. Another symptom, is losing hair from the forehead, AGA, the hair becomes downy and thin until it completely falls off. According to popular estimations about 70% of men suffer from boldness by the age of fifty. About 25% of women under forty suffer from hair loss, and 50% over fifty suffer from thin hair look.

Now you probably say: OK we need help, where can we get it? Look for natural solutions. Keep looking until you find the best one for you. Do not stop looking for you will find a good solution eventually.


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Hair loss stress triggers

Hair Loss: Stress Triggers

It is not surprising that one of the major factors leading to hair loss stems from stress. Extreme stress can affect several aspects of ones life and health, including causing hair If you suspect that stress is triggering your hair loss, then you will have to make changes in your lifestyle; otherwise you may well end up with bald patches on your head.

Stress can be triggered externally or internally. External situations come from the environment. Internal factors are link...

hair loss and stress

It is not surprising that one of the major factors leading to hair loss stems from stress. Extreme stress can affect several aspects of ones life and health, including causing hair If you suspect that stress is triggering your hair loss, then you will have to make changes in your lifestyle; otherwise you may well end up with bald patches on your head.

Stress can be triggered externally or internally. External situations come from the environment. Internal factors are linked to emotional responses such as depression, grief or resistance to change. If this stress is continuous and is not solved, it will begin to affect the way in which the body reacts.

Hair loss will often result as a reaction to the way in which stress impacts the balance in your body. When stress begins to take place in your body, the hormonal balance in your body is upset. There may be an excess production of hormones which may then go into the scalp area and causing your hair to fall out. Usually, this hair loss will be noticeable aft


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Hair removal solutions laser hair removal and others

Hair Removal Solutions: Laser hair removal And Others

Fear no longer the ignominy of unwanted body hair. If you have been willing to walk should somebody show you the way, you have come to the right place for hair removal solutions. Here we present some of the popular hair removal solutions like laser hair removal among others which can offer you the flight of fantasy that you have been seeking for so long to become truly beautiful.

Laser hair removal: The latest technology in the long list of hair removal solutions, laser ha...

body hair removal solution, hair removal treatment, laser hair removal, hair removal by laser

Fear no longer the ignominy of unwanted body hair. If you have been willing to walk should somebody show you the way, you have come to the right place for hair removal solutions. Here we present some of the popular hair removal solutions like laser hair removal among others which can offer you the flight of fantasy that you have been seeking for so long to become truly beautiful.

Laser hair removal: The latest technology in the long list of hair removal solutions, laser hair removal offers a easy to use, extremely effective method to get rid of unwanted body hair and is long lasting in its effect. Men and Women alike have benefited from this superb technology wh


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Hair loss prevention save your hair now

Hair Loss Prevention - Save your Hair Now!

Men, do you like to style your hair everyday? Do you use gels and creams and waxes to make it sleek and cool? Women, do you use hairdryers or curling irons daily? Do you stretch your hair with braids or ponytails, and even overuse hair color?

hair loss, hair loss treatment, treatment, causes, products, female, male, men, women, DHT

Men, do you like to style your hair everyday? Do you use gels and creams and waxes to make it sleek and cool?

Women, do you use hairdryers or curling irons daily? Do you stretch your hair with braids or ponytails, and even overuse hair color?

Frequent abuse is one of the causes of hair loss. If we want to save our hair, this is the first step that we should be aware of. See if you are observing the following:

Avoid rubbing your hair too vigorously and styling your hair when its wet. This can cause it to stretch and break. Be careful in using permanent dyes or color on your hair. These chemicals usually cause hair damage.

Eat your vitamins! Our hair is composed of a protein called keratin. It is good to find a vitamin or food supplement that will nourish this type of protein. Also, take vitamins that have antioxidants. These fight free radicals that can damage healthy cells in our body including our hair.

Have a well-balanced diet. Eat foods that have high protein content such as Lean Meats, Peanuts and Almonds, Eggs, Legumes, Oatmeal, Whole Grain Bread and Cottage Cheese. Keeping yourself physically healthy will prevent you from taking medications that can cause hair loss.

Regular exercise and getting enough sleep naturally maintains overall health, as well as lowering stress in our lives. You may ask, are stress and hair loss related? Absolutely!

If you are currently in the middle of a problem, you may be stressed. If you are putting a very high demand of your physical and mental energy to perform higher and above your capacity, you may be stressed too. Usually, hair loss happens after the onset of a very stressful situation or event. Telogen Effluvium is the medical name given to hair loss induced stress.

When you realize that you are stressed, you must think of ways on how you can effectively manage it. One good technique is the art of disassociation. It is a kind of meditation you can do by imagining that the cause of your stress is moving farther and farther away from you. You can feel a sense of calmness and it will show in your face and in your actions. This is an important tool to allow your body to calm down and remove built-up stress.

Another tool to use in managing stress is to have a form of relaxation that you enjoy doing. For example, if you like reading or watching a good movie, then do these activities often to release stress. Engaging in sports is the best way that some people use to relax themselves. Pick out a fun activity that will suit you.

All of us want beautiful and healthy hair. Therefore, consciously caring for it should be a daily habit. It is better to be safe than sorry so dont take your hair for granted! It is sometimes unfortunate that we appreciate what we have when we already lost them. Take care of your hair before its too late.


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Monday, October 7, 2013

5 Reasons Why You Should Consolidate Bills So You Can Get Your Finances Under Control

In today's world, bills seem to overrun us at every turn. We often find that we get into a situation where we can no longer control our debt and have to find a way to finally get our finances under control. If this sounds like you, it may be wise to use a consolidation service to consolidate bills and get a better handle on your financial life.

 When you consolidate bills, you will be able to breath easier. You see, creating the debt this is the fun part. However, once the debt becomes unmanageable, it is no longer fun and it is time to take steps.

 Why should consolidate bills? Well, there are many different reasons, but in this article, there are five excellent reasons you might want to consider bill consolidation. So, without further ado, here is our advice on the five reasons you should consolidate bills.

 Consolidate Bills and Get One Payment Monthly

 That's right, when you consolidate, you are turning all your debt into one payment on a monthly basis. Before debt consolidation, you had to worry about making sure each creditor was paid on time and it could become a hassle trying to keep up with it all, eventually forgetting to pay one at all, which could be hazardous to your financial life.

 Consolidate Bills - The Payment is Lower

 In most cases, your one monthly payment you make each month, will likely be considerably lower than what you were originally paying.

 Why? Simply because most of the time, with consolidation, you are going to receive a much lower rate of interest than you had with the original creditors and delinquent accounts.

 Consolidate Bills and Credit Scores

 When you pay your bills, your credit report reflects this. Even if it is late to begin with, once you start making regular payments on time, which is so much easier thanks to the one monthly payment, your credit score will begin to improve because you are now taking the steps necessary for that improvement.

 Consolidate Bills and End The Phone Calls

 Once you begin the consolidation process and begin making your payments on time each month, your creditors will stop calling you on a daily basis. This alone will make life a whole lot easier, you will never have to be worried when answering your phone again.

 Consolidate Bills to Eliminate Debt Faster

 You see, once you begin the debt consolidation process, you will find that your debt will be eliminated and paid off in as little as one year and up to three years time. What does this mean? It means that within three short years, you could be living a debt free life once and for all.

 There you have it, the top five reasons you should consolidate bills. Our advice to you, if you have unmanageable debt, is to start the consolidation process right away.